In the dynamic landscape of freight transport, disruptions such as the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the importance of resilience in supply chains and infrastructure. The joint efforts of ReMuNet and SARIL, two innovative projects in the field, have recently culminated in a successful workshop aimed at understanding the impact of disruptions and identifying strategies for building a more resilient freight transport network.
Survey Collaboration: The collaborative initiative between ReMuNet and SARIL involves a survey designed to capture the thoughts and experiences of stakeholders in the freight transport sector. The goal is to gain valuable insights into the challenges posed by disruptions and to comprehend the diverse needs of those involved in the supply chain.
Results and Implications: With 110 attendees participating in the webinar, the success of the joint project becomes evident. The gathered insights will enable both ReMuNet and SARIL to identify challenges, requirements, and future expectations related to disruptions in infrastructure and transport networks. The importance of resilience is emphasized, particularly for companies engaged in freight transport, as evidenced by the significant participant turnout.
Through joint efforts and shared knowledge, the projects aim to address challenges posed by disruptions and contribute to the development of a more adaptive and resilient freight transport and logistics network in Europe.
10.00 Welcome and opening ( Download Presentation )
10.05 Challenges associated with resilience and transportation networks, the commission’s priorities regarding them and what is expected from these projects ( Download Presentation )
- Paola Chiarini. Policy Officer at European Commission – DG MOVE (Watch here.)
10.20 Resilient and green freight transport and logistics networks: outlook and perspectives. ( Download Presentation )
- Alan McKinnon, Professor of Logistics, Kuehne Logistics University (Watch here.)
10.35 Sustainability And Resilience for Infrastructure and Logistics networks (SARIL) presentation ( Download Presentation )
- Corinna Köpke, Fraunhofer EMI (Watch here.)
10.50 Resilient Multimodal freight Transport Network (ReMuNet) presentation ( Download Presentation )
- Lars Klapper, FIR an der RWTH Aachen (Watch here.)
11.05 SARIL and ReMuNet joint survey (We encourage you to take the survey through this link) ( Download Presentation )
- Lillian Hansen, SINTEF
- Lars Klapper, FIR an der RWTH Aachen (Watch here.)
11.20 Conclusion, Q&A session and next steps: watch here.
You can find the recording here.