New concepts and approaches for resilient and green freight transport and logistics networks against disruptive events (11 January 2024)
10.00 Welcome and opening
10.05 Challenges associated with resilience and transportation networks, the commission’s priorities regarding them and what is expected from these projects
- Paola Chiarini. Policy Officer at European Commission – DG MOVE
10.20 Resilient and green freight transport and logistics networks: outlook and perspectives.
- Alan McKinnon, Professor of Logistics, Kuehne Logistics University
10.35 Sustainability And Resilience for Infrastructure and Logistics networks (SARIL) presentation
- Corinna Köpke, Fraunhofer EMI
10.50 Resilient Multimodal freight Transport Network (ReMuNet) presentation
- John von Stamm, FIR an der RWTH Aachen
11.05 SARIL and ReMuNet joint survey
Lillian Hansen, SINTEF
- Lars Klapper, FIR an der RWTH Aachen
11.20 Conclusion
Q&A session and next steps