Our synergy with HS4U project! Project news Our synergy with HS4U project!admin2024-12-03T14:25:18+00:00December 3, 2024|Read More
Analysis of effects of disruptive events on the European freight transport network and resulting societal impact Project news Analysis of effects of disruptive events on the European freight transport network and resulting societal impactadmin2024-12-02T09:32:46+00:00December 2, 2024|Read More
Reflecting on Terminal Tag 2024: A thriving hub for intermodal innovation Project news Reflecting on Terminal Tag 2024: A thriving hub for intermodal innovationadmin2024-11-22T07:52:35+00:00November 20, 2024|Read More
Advancing multimodal transport through collaboration and knowledge sharing: Insights from recent interview Project news Advancing multimodal transport through collaboration and knowledge sharing: Insights from recent interviewadmin2024-11-19T12:47:20+00:00November 19, 2024|Read More
D1.2 Standard framework to describe European intermodal transport Project news D1.2 Standard framework to describe European intermodal transportadmin2024-11-19T11:35:32+00:00November 19, 2024|Read More
Enhancing resilience and sustainability in transport networks: Insights from ReMuNet at SDG week seminar Project news Enhancing resilience and sustainability in transport networks: Insights from ReMuNet at SDG week seminaradmin2024-11-14T11:52:37+00:00November 14, 2024|Read More
Terminal Tag 2024: Exploring the future of intermodal transport Project news Terminal Tag 2024: Exploring the future of intermodal transportadmin2024-11-06T11:32:53+00:00November 6, 2024|Read More
ReMuNet Workshop with Contargo and PTV: Refining realistic scenarios for multimodal rerouting amid disruptions Project news ReMuNet Workshop with Contargo and PTV: Refining realistic scenarios for multimodal rerouting amid disruptionsadmin2024-10-30T13:54:56+00:00October 30, 2024|Read More
Developing European multimodal transport ontology and classifying disruptive events and their impact on transport networks Project news Developing European multimodal transport ontology and classifying disruptive events and their impact on transport networksadmin2024-10-23T07:19:06+00:00October 23, 2024|Read More
Expert Workshop: Exploring Trimodal Network Optimization in the ReMuNet Project Project news Expert Workshop: Exploring Trimodal Network Optimization in the ReMuNet Projectadmin2024-10-15T12:34:29+00:00October 15, 2024|Read More