Deliverable 1.5 “Analysis of effects of disruptive events on the European freight transport network and resulting societal impact”  from HANKEN School of Economics presents an analysis of effects of disruptive events on the European freight transport network and resulting societal impact. Building on typologies and classifications of disruptive events in Task 1.3, and the root-cause analysis in Task 1.4, this task analyzed the societal impact of transport network disruptions.

The case studies from the second deliverable are analysed as shown:

The next key finding was with the interrelationships of disruptive events and their ripple effects across the transport network and the supply chain. This is show in the figure below.

Next, 5 recent disruptive events in the EU were analyzed for their societal impact and the resilience shown during after the disruption. This is summarised in the following tables.


Recommendations and conclusions

Click here to read the deliverable by HANKEN School of Economics.